Look! Here`s your very first level again!
But now it looks like the enemies are trying to
spoil your path and you have no weapons!
You need to think about which way you
need to direct the blue foes to...
Level Details
- Author: minimac
- Submitted: 21 Dec 2010
- Theme: Cave
- Mode: Quantum Quarrel
- Game Type: Singleplayer
- Level Size: 1536x1920
Group Details
| | | |
1 | rt | Qdots: 6, Lost: 8, Morphs: 63, Melt: 0, Time: 02:57.713 | Pass | 2 | pen | Qdots: 6, Lost: 9, Morphs: 13, Melt: 0, Time: 01:53.387 | Pass | 3 | coz | Qdots: 6, Lost: 9, Morphs: 20, Melt: 0, Time: 01:23.425 | Pass | 4 | pawel2003 | Qdots: 4, Lost: 9, Morphs: 18, Melt: 0, Time: 01:12.775 | Pass | 5 | Beatall | Qdots: 3, Lost: 7, Morphs: 26, Melt: 0, Time: 01:25.271 | Pass | 6 | Rainer13 | Qdots: 2, Lost: 8, Morphs: 17, Melt: 0, Time: 01:55.801 | Pass | 7 | Jos | Qdots: 2, Lost: 10, Morphs: 1, Melt: 0, Time: 01:34.785 | Fail | 8 | Ronin | Qdots: 2, Lost: 10, Morphs: 14, Melt: 0, Time: 01:15.047 | Fail | 9 | HeXd | Qdots: 1, Lost: 10, Morphs: 10, Melt: 0, Time: 01:06.669 | Fail |
That was a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be :)